Crimes are increasing in the Central Region


Crimes are increasing in the Central Region

Data on the number of crimes in 2021 have now been updated in indicator 1.4. The number of crimes is published based on 10,000 inhabitants living in Central Area and compared to the trend in the entire country based on the same population. Since the beginning of Gaumur's monitoring period, the situation has been that there are significantly fewer crimes in Central Area than in the whole country.

The development between the years 2020 and 2021 is such that the number of crimes increases both in Central Area and the country as a whole after having decreased between the years 2019 and 2020. If you take a closer look at the data for Central Area, you can see that the increase lies in more traffic violations in in 2021 than in 2020, the number of criminal offenses decreases and the number of special penal offenses is therefore almost the same between years.

It should be borne in mind that increased funding for traffic control may have the effect of increasing the number of traffic violations.