Age and gender distribution in Central and comparison areas


Age and gender distribution in Central and comparison areas

The age and gender distribution of the population is shown in Population Pyramids. The pyramids show the situation at the beginning of the year and 5 years before. This time the pyramids are for the years 2023 and 2018.

The year 2018 was the peak year of construction and the beginning of working hours at Bakki and Þeistareykor. The pyramid in Central Area bears a clear sign of this, as there is a significantly higher percentage of men aged 25-59 than women in that year. In 2023, it can be seen that the percentage of people aged 25-34 is higher and the percentage of children aged 0-14 is even higher than it was in 2018. However, the pyramid has a waist shape and relatively fewer people in the 35-54 age group than in the whole country.

In Iceland, the relative increase is greatest in the age group of 29-34 years, both among men and women. Other cohorts are similar to what was in 2018.

The population pyramid of the Western Area is the most similar to what happens at the national level. However, it only applies to waist shape and women aged 35-39 stand out and are a smaller group than those above and below. There were proportionally more children in 2018 in the age groups 0-9 than there are in 2023.

In the Eastern Area, the gender ratio is rather unequal, with proportionally more men than women. The younger cohorts and cohorts of people of childbearing age are smaller in 2023 than in 2018.